The Best Dental Services for a Chipped Tooth!
Chipped Tooth Repair
Accidentally chipping your tooth is an unfortunate situation. This can happen simply by eating normally. The next thing you know is, your tooth is chipped. Accidents happen, but who wants to appear less appealing, or add another insecurity. Luckily, several ways exist to remedy the situation and once again possess an amazing smile.
Dentists have a few different ways to go about chipped tooth repair. Our cosmetic dentist, Dr. Andres de Cardenas can even provide a full mouth reconstruction for individuals not satisfied with their smile.
Ways to Fix a Chipped Tooth
What is a full mouth reconstruction? Full mouth reconstruction is a process where a dental professional simultaneously rebuilds or restores broken and chipped teeth in the upper and lower jaw. To accomplish this, the specialist uses crowns and bridges, in addition to implants and composite resin to restore the full and natural mouth function.
The overall goal of full mouth reconstruction is repairing the relationship between the jaw, muscles, gums, bones, and teeth. A dentist does this to optimize aesthetics. Additionally, the treatment improves the mouth’s overall function.
Do you experience dreams (or nightmares?) of teeth breaking or falling out? Our dental practice wants to help. What do these dreams represent? For many patients, breaking teeth symbolize anxiety about a potentially irreparable smile. However, there is no need to worry. Dr. Andres de Cardenas is here to help you. You can achieve the perfect smile.
Do you need to fix a singular broken or cracked tooth? Our dentist can offer you dental crowns or tooth bonding. A dental crown is a tooth-shaped covering placed over a portion of the tooth residing above the gum line.
A dentist applies a crown to restore the tooth’s function, strength, and appearance, in addition to teeth feeling. Tooth bonding covers the tooth service with a resin filling or bonding material. There is no longer a need to worry about chips in your teeth. You can fall in love with the dream of a new smile.
Other Options
Tooth repair may seem difficult or expensive, however, with Dr. de Cardenas, it might be the easiest decision to make for your teeth. He can provide you with porcelain veneers for your front teeth that make your teeth dreams come true. Veneers make your teeth look brand new, and you won’t stop smiling!
If you want to take a different route other than a temporary crown or bonding, porcelain veneers represent a fantastic option. A veneer is simply a porcelain casing that bonds to your teeth. This improves both their look as well as shape. Regardless if your tooth or tooth enamel is partially chipped, damaged, or discolored, porcelain veneers make your life dream of perfect teeth a reality.
Dr. Andres de Cardenas administers veneers in an easy 3-step process:
- First, you receive a consultation with Dr. de Cardenas. During this meeting, he will examine your teeth and determine if porcelain veneers can achieve your desired results.
- If he decides veneer treatment is right for you, Dr. de Cardenas makes a mold of your teeth. This mold forms and shapes the porcelain veneers.
- On your third visit, Dr. Andres de Cardenas fits and bonds the new veneers.
Dental Tooth Repair
Your new porcelain veneers will look and feel just like your natural teeth. They additionally boost stain resistance. While we can’t recommend excess, drinking soda, wine, or coffee should pose no problem for you.
Although a veneer is nonliving, it replicates a natural tooth and is surrounded by living tissue. Therefore, engaging in proper dental hygiene is vital to extend a veneer’s longevity throughout the rest of your life. With proper dental care, your veneers can last you for up to 20 years.
Dr. Andres de Cardenas is an expert cosmetic dentist for tooth repair. He is happy to work with you to see if a porcelain veneer treatment is right for you. With over 15 years of professional experience, as well as a family line in dentistry, Dr. de Cardenas is an exemplary doctor for your dental needs.
Chipped Tooth Repair | Dr. Andres de Cardenas
Do you need a chipped tooth repair in the South Florida area? Contact Dr. Andres de Cardenas today by calling us at (305)251.3334.
Once you call us, you can meet with Dr. de Cardenas and determine if your needs warrant a dental cosmetic procedure. He takes the time to analyze your current condition while reaching the root issues concerning your problems.
This consultation and diagnosis procedure helps you and our dental specialist harmoniously decide on the optimal treatment course to adequately suit your needs.
Once you meet with Dr. de Cardenas and our team, you’ll experience the difference between entering as a patient, and experience what it’s like as a member of our family. Our ultimate goal is not only to help you feel your best but to feel as comfortable as possible entering our practice.
We want to minimize the fear many patients experience sitting in a dental chair. Dr. de Cardenas commits to patient comfort and wellness, renowned by patients and dentists alike for his gentle and sensitive approach.
Fearing a dental procedure is completely normal. However, there is a reason people call Dr. Andy the “dentist to the dentists”. Once you experience his service and compassion towards his patients, you will understand precisely why!
Your smile is symbolic of the way you feel inside. A smile should reflect on how healthy and vibrant you feel, and you want to enjoy your favorite foods without worry or discomfort. Dr. Andres de Cardenas invites you to learn more about what chipped tooth repair can do for you.