Dental Implant Procedures: What You Should Know

Dental Implant Procedures: What You Should Know

Losing a tooth can pressure the surrounding teeth and cause them to shift out of alignment. A dental implant is an artificial root placed into your jawbone, which helps support a replacement tooth or bridge. It’s made from titanium and looks very natural in appearance. 

Getting an implant involves three steps: preparing the area for surgery, ensuring you’re healthy enough for the procedure (to prevent future complications) and placing the implant into your jawbone during surgery.

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What Is the Procedure?

A dental implant is a titanium post placed in the jaw to support a crown or bridge. The procedure begins with removing the damaged tooth, cleaning any infected tissue, and shaping your jawbone. Then, an incision will be made in your gum tissue so that a screw can be inserted into your jawbone. 

This screw is an anchor for the post, which will be placed on top later. After removing any decay, the remaining space left between your gums and teeth is filled with bone graft material before being sealed up with stitches (or if stitches aren’t used, there will be sutures).

The next step is placing an abutment: This part screws onto one end of each post/screw combination so that they form two rows of teeth when all four are put together.

Once this has been done, we move on to inserting crowns or bridges over them. Depending on whether we’re replacing one missing tooth or several at once, just like regular dentures, only more robust because they’re anchored inside your mouth.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants are an excellent option for replacing missing teeth. They look and feel like natural teeth and can last a lifetime. If you’re considering having dental implants put in, here’s what you need to know:

Dental implants are strong, stable, and secure. They’re made of titanium that fuses with bone over time as your body heals around them. This makes them more robust than other replacement options, such as dentures or bridges (which use the remaining teeth for support). Plus, because they don’t rely on neighboring teeth for support, there’s no need for long-term maintenance like tooth grinding or jaw realignment–something many people experience after getting traditional dental work done!

Risks and Complications of Dental Implants

Several risks and complications are associated with dental implants, but they’re relatively rare. The most common complication is that the implant fails to integrate with bone, leading to pain or discomfort. 

You may also experience problems like infection, loss of bone around the implant site, and loosening of your new tooth (or teeth). If you have an allergic reaction to any part of your treatment plan–including anesthesia used during surgery–this could result in serious health issues such as difficulty breathing or swelling around your face or neck area.

Implant fracture occurs when an artificial tooth breaks off at its base due to wear on its surface from grinding against other teeth during chewing motions; this usually happens within six months after placement due to everyday use by patients who grind their jaws while sleeping at night without realizing they’re doing so.

Recovery Time for Dental Implants

After your dental implant procedure, you must take a few days off from work. You may have some swelling and bruising, but this should subside within a week. If you take antibiotics at the dentist’s office, they will help prevent infection while you heal.

You may also need pain medication during this time; however, it is essential not to overuse such drugs because they can cause side effects such as nausea or constipation, which are undesirable when recovering from surgery.

It’s best to use acetaminophen (Tylenol) instead of ibuprofen (Advil) if possible, as it has less potential for side effects like stomach upset and ulcers in sensitive individuals like pregnant women who might be taking them regularly for chronic pain conditions like arthritis flare-ups or fibromyalgia symptoms.

Suppose everything goes well during recovery from dental implant surgery. In that case, there won’t be much else besides eating soft foods until those stitches come out at follow-up appointments with your dentist every couple of weeks until then.


When it comes to dental implants, All-On-4 is the gold standard. It’s a procedure that allows patients to replace their lost teeth with artificial alternatives.

It is an efficient and convenient way to repair your mouth. All-On-4 dental implants involve small posts fused to the jawbone surrounding them. This allows a patient’s gum tissue to grow over the implant and hold it in place.

The result is a natural-looking smile that makes you look and feel confident.

Choose Dr. Andres De Cardenas, MD

Dental implants have many benefits, but they are only suitable for some.

If you have lost a tooth or cannot use your dentures, dental implants may be the solution for you. We offer dental implants that can help you maintain your oral health and the appearance of your smile.

Please contact Dr. De Cardenas today to learn more about our services and how we can help you.

Call Dr. Andres de Cardenas today at 305-251-3334!

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