Living Life with Invisalign in Cutler Bay
Invisalign clear aligners remain an effective alternative to traditional metal braces. You can attain virtually the same results from Invisalign in Cutler Bay that you would get from braces’ brackets and wires.
The Invisalign system relies on clear, noninvasive, easily-removable, and seemingly invisible alignment trays that gently move teeth into position. The system straightens teeth as effectively as traditional interventions like braces. However, it accomplishes this with a modern approach that suits modern, active, and social lifestyles better.
Invisalign makes it entirely possible to brush and floss your teeth without unwanted interference from brackets that actually contribute to issues with tooth decay. Furthermore, you can remove them easily when you need to eat or drink, imparting no food restrictions.
If you are considering Invisalign in Cutler Bay to help you align your teeth, Dr. Andres de Cardenas and his team want to outline some information on what the treatment can provide, in addition to some benefits that you stand to gain.
How Does Invisalign in Cutler Bay Work?
Invisalign corrects various dental problems that include overcrowding and excessive teeth gaps. The majority of Invisalign treatments start with a consultation. This helps a dental specialist determine if you represent a good candidate. Consultation is also the best time to address any questions or concerns regarding an Invisalign procedure.
A dentist will take x-rays, as well as digital impressions of your teeth. With these, they can cultivate a three-dimensional image of your mouth to map the exact movements of your teeth. The dental professional can also rely on this information to create a virtualized prediction on how your teeth will look after Invisalign in Cutler Bay.
Based on a unique, individualized care plan, the dentist will order a series of customized clear aligners. A laboratory designs these specifically to your own mouth and dental condition.
Invisalign aligners wield a construction from BPA-free clear plastic, and they will fit over your teeth easily. Smooth and comfortable to wear, you can also simply remove them whenever you need to clean your teeth, eat, or drink.
Dentists will administer an initial set of aligners; however, the procedure advances every two weeks until you complete the treatment goals. In order to ensure that things continue going well, dentists will want you to visit their office to monitor overall progress.
How to Keep Invisalign Aligners Clean
You will need to do two main things to keep your aligners clean. The first step is practicing optimal oral care. By keeping your mouth clean, this helps maximize Invisalign in Cutler Bay by keeping alignment trays clean as well.
Brush and floss your teeth regularly, in the morning, at night, and after every snack or meal. When you skip this basic dental regimen, you can get food, in addition to plaque or bacteria in the trays.
The aligners reside very close to the teeth, trapping these detrimental components right alone the tooth and gum line. Here, they can lead to ample damage as time goes on. You must keep your mouth clean to prevent this from taking place.
The second step to keeping aligners clean is sterilizing the accessories themselves while outside of the mouth. You can approach this by soaking the aligners in clear mouthwash. This is a solution comprised of water and a cleaning agent like vinegar, or hydrogen peroxide.
No matter the method you choose, just ensure that you administer a cleaning regimen every day to prevent discoloration and degradation of Invisalign aligners.
Many patients also wonder if alignment trays may start to smell. Nevertheless, they shouldn’t smell at all if you continue taking good care of them. If you experience an odor from your trays, you should step up your cleaning routine.
Invisalign in Cutler Bay from Dr. Andres de Cardenas
The first step to obtaining a beautiful and healthy smile is scheduling an appointment with a qualified and experienced dental professional. Not only will this appointment ensure proper dental care, but a dentist can observe your oral condition and determine if you represent an ideal candidate for Invisalign in Cutler Bay.
Dr. Andres de Cardenas works to help patients feel as comfortable as possible when they entire his office. When you step through the doors of the most welcoming environment possible, our dental practice will make you feel like a part of the family.
To learn more about what Invisalign in Cutler Bay can do for you, contact our caring and concerned team today!